This past week and a half has been really hard. I'm completely knackered.
As many of you know, Ecuador suffered a massive 7.8 earthquake on the 16th of April. Those of you who follow my blog might remember that one of the other GAP assistants here is from Ecuador. Juliana is from Cuenca in the southern part of the country.
It might surprise you to know that the Earthquake was not covered by the media here in the UK (not sure of the coverage in the US). This broke Juliana's heart. The girls that she has been getting to know didn't even know that her country, which she loves SO much, was hurting.
Juliana has been in contact with her family often (they are fine, as they live south of the affected area) and I have been receiving constant updates on her country. I've heard about the aftershocks and subsequent 6.0+ earthquake/aftershocks that continue to damage an already hurting country. Juliana bravely stood in front of 500 teenage girls last Friday and told them some stats about the damage from the earthquake.
500+ dead
100+ missing
Thousands injured
Her voice broke, but she kept speaking. She asked the school community to help her raise money for earthquake relief by having a bake sale, which happened today - Monday.
I am pleased to share that the support from the St. Swithun's community was astounding and overwhelming. I learned fairly quickly that this school was a special place, but I had no idea until today. Here are some numbers about the day:
3 - tables full of baked goods donated by staff and students
5 - kinds of cookies/bars
6 - people to sell goods at morning break and Lunch 2 (because we had SO many items donated)
9+ - kinds of cakes/cupcakes
£40 - the amount given by ONE student for 2 cupcakes
£195 - (~$300) in bills at the end of break. FYI: break is only 20 minutes. (I didn't count coins, and we sold more during lunch)
I hope to update the total as soon as I know. The girls and staff here have completely blown me away. I am so proud to call this school home, and I am proud to call Juliana my friend.
Heavenly Father,
Please watch over the people of Ecuador. Give them the strength to put one foot in front of the other. Be with the rescuers and other aid organizations as they begin to discover the amount of work and help that Ecuador needs. Hold the people in your loving arms and help them to feel the amazing power of your love. In your holy name. Amen.
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