Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Holidays - pt. 2

With the fairly long list of things that I miss, you need to know that there are just as many things that I love about being in England for the Holidays.  Here are the ones I remember at this moment:

1. Sharing Thanksgiving meal with 40 other people

2. Hearing Brits compliment all of the American food we ate for Thanksgiving.

3. 2 new "brothers"
Iain, Shadow, Me, and Jonah

4. A UK family that loves board games as much as I do

5. Gluten-free & Dairy-free peanut butter cookies (for real, they are SO GOOD)

6. Staying up really late playing games

7. A doggy who likes to play right away when I come downstairs

8. Mince Pie is growing on me.

9. Movie education - watching lots of good British movies with my UK family

10. A 3-tiered chocolate birthday cake of wonderfulness.
Birthday Sparklers
Birthday Banner on the stairs

11. Helping the doggles open his presents. (Shadow has many nicknames)

Me and Shadow
12. The amount of wit and sarcasm that oozes from this house

13. An amazing family at home that makes time to Skype me for my Birthday/Christmas.

14. Three amazing friends, Laura (Germany), Juliana (Ecuador), and Marine (France)

15. Colleagues at school who genuinely care about my well being

This list could have countless more, but I don't want to waste my holiday writing this blog.  As I finish typing this music plays in the background, Iain is reading rules for a game called "Fresh Fish" that we are about to play on my last afternoon at the Dykes house.  As difficult as I thought it would be to spend the holidays away from family, I will treasure the time I have had here in this house.  I wouldn't trade this Christmas experience for anything in the world.

I have learned that home can be many places, as long as you love the people around you.  Winchester is becoming more and more like home.

I wanted doggie kisses, but he turned away :(
"Where we love is home - home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts. " 
 -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. 

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Holidays - Pt. 1

I won't lie, the holidays are hard when you are far away from home.

It hit me today, as I participated in some new holiday traditions, just how much I am missing the traditions from home.  Here are some things I miss.

  1. Making turkey cookies with Mom.
  2. Frosting the turkey cookies - each feather a different color of course!
  3. Thanksgiving with the Greve family
  4. American stuffing (British stuffing has sausage and other meat in it)
  5. Pumpkin Pie
  6. Pumpkin cookies
  7. really just all pumpkiny desserts!
  8. Christmas Cantata at church
  9. Visiting my Grammy (I LOVE YOU GRAMMY! *muah*)
  10. Christmas Road trip with the family
  11. My kitty Ebony
  12. My bed
  13. Being able to text silly things to my friends
  14. Megan's wedding in January
  15. Being able to get in my car and drive wherever, and whenever I want to
Pumpkin Pie

I don't really miss the snow, like at all.  It's been around 50F most days here, sometimes rainy, usually grey skies.  But I love it!  While everyone around me wishes for snow, I'm hoping it never comes.

Now, before you think I'm having a little pity party, there are plenty of things that I love about this new place I call home.  Stay tuned for part 2 to find out :)

Merry Christmas everyone!


Sunday, December 6, 2015


I am completely at peace right now.

It has been a very hectic week, and it will continue to be hectic tomorrow.  But right now, this very minute, I am at peace.

Because I am working in a private school this year, my Christmas break starts on Thursday (Don't hate me).  But this means that while Advent only started 2 weeks ago, we are celebrating Christmas in full swing.

In the past week I have:

Helped with the all-school Advent service
Attended the Nursery & Reception Nativity Play (called a Crib service here)
Planned Chapel (with help of course)
Planned Jr. School Assembly with Katrina
Attended and helped lead the aforementioned assembly
Attended and helped lead the aforementioned chapel - twice
Helped with Jr. School Carol Service Rehearsal
Attended Jr. School carol service
Finished all my Christmas shopping
Wrapped all the presents
Started my January Newsletter

I was completely exhausted.  I loved every minute of it, but I was exhausted.  I woke up this morning and just felt completely happy. I was absolutely giddy!  So giddy, in fact, that Katrina asked me what I had been up to today.  She was completely suspicious of my good mood!

Today, was GAP secret Santa day.  Now, I know that presents aren't the meaning of Christmas, but I wasn't just excited about getting a present.  I was excited to spend an evening with 3 of the other GAPs watching movies and just enjoying each other's presence.  We spent most of our time together laughing and teasing each other while watching "Frozen"!

I left Earls Down (a boarding house) and went straight up to my room and tuned into the live stream of the St. Olaf College Christmas Festival.

The music I'm currently listening to is the icing on this happy cupcake of a day!  [Currently listening to Chapel Choir's "Gaudete" conducted by Mark Stover.  So in love!]

I don't think I prayed out loud for recharging, but that's the great thing about God.  He knows exactly what I need without me saying anything.  In fact, I don't think I knew what I needed until I received it. So now, I'm going to finish this post, curl up on the sofa, listen to the Christmas Story told by the wonderful choirs of St. Olaf College and bask in the glory and love of Jesus.

Happy Christmas!!